
As architects practicing in the 21st century, our responsibility towards creating sustainable and socially equitable buildings is paramount. Electricity and Heat Production sector accounts for a lion’s share of the global greenhouse gas emissions with a contribution of 25% of overall emissions. (IPCC, 2014) As electricity and heat production is primarily used to create thermally comfortable interior spaces and improve the lighting levels inside buildings, architect’s role in reducing these needs are seen as vital. The construction industry also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions as the processes to create materials such as cement, steel and other bricks are energy intensive. These materials are said to possess high embodies energy.

The good news is that, an informed architect, with a scientific approach and using advanced modelling, one can improve energy efficiency of the built environment. One can determine the fenestration design, shading typology, air movement facilitation, insulation and other climatic responses by performing relevant contextual studies. Lighting levels required can also be simulated and aid in deciding window size and placement. Additionally, using green construction technology, a blend of vernacular design and locally suitable materials, one can reduce emissions to a large extent.

However, these exercises to ensure sustainability in design can be time and resource consuming. Although many architects are aware of the implications, they may not have the resources to study and analyse buildings for climatic response and low embodied energy-based design. We at Mud Hands understand this dichotomy. We have been practicing climate responsive architecture from several years and are happy to share our knowledge and services.

Our services are as follows:

1. Alternative building techniques

  • Providing construction technology capacity building and execution services for alternative construction such as
  • Brick jack arch roofs
  • Funicular brick roofs
  • Filler slab roofs
  • Brick vaults and domes
  • Rammed earth masonry
  • Manufacturing compressed earth blocks on site
  • On-site training – We can train and empower the site contractors
  • Construction partners – We provide our trained construction team to execute the specialised work
  • Drawing board – Adaptation of design to suit the alternative techniques

2. Climate responsive design adaptations

  • Climatic study of the site and determination of sustainability related design objectives
  • Design adaptation suggestions to improve energy efficiency
  • Lighting level studies for selected regions
  • Façade design and development for climatic response
  • Building materials and construction to suit the energy performance needs

3. Net zero water design

  • Calculation of water demand, rain water harvesting potential of the building
  • Preparation of water balance chart
  • Optimal water storage capacity calculation
  • Design of grey water treatment system
  • Design of rainwater harvesting system
  • Technical drawings

Would you like to collaborate with Mud Hands as your sustainability partner?

Kindly respond to the email for exploring synergies.